
Experts in high speed, high precision applications

Prior Scientific是设计并制造精密定位设备,光学系统,自动化解决方案和组件的世界领先企业。

我们可以帮您设计符合定制需求并可带来成本效益的 OEM解决方案,许多世界领先的科学仪器公司和研究机构都已经成为Prior近百年的丰富设计经验和卓越品质的受益者。


Experts in high speed, high precision applications

Queensgate Instruments is an experienced manufacturer of nanopositioning systems and nano-displacement sensors. We lead the field in piezo-actuated, flexure-guided stages, incorporating capacitive positioning sensors.

Leading the field in nanopositioning for over 45 years

We were the first to introduce capacitive positioning sensors and digital control. We offer the lowest noise electronics and our sophisticated algorithms precisely control velocity and acceleration to deliver market-beating performance, speed and load tolerance.

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Expertise in OEM design

“At no time did Queensgate stop and say, ‘This is the best we can do’. I enjoyed working with them for their perseverance and commitment to our performance targets.”

Learn about our OEM development capabilities.

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Unmatched knowledge of nanopositioning solutions

We support our customers in a broad range of markets including:
