NPS2100-20/NPS2101 Closed Loop Controller

The NPS2101 and the NPS2100-20 are NanoSensor, high voltage amplifier and control electronics combined as a single channel standalone module, powered by an external ±15V, 130V and -30V DC supplies. Designed to provide closed loop position control of Y mirror steering mechanisms, which incorporate Queensgate piezo actuators (MTP-15N) and sensors (NXB-3-Al). The control electronics allows the user to optimize closed loop response giving significant improvements in stability and linearity compared to open-loop operation. The NPS-2100-20 incorporates a -20V input. The NPS-2101 has positive and negative voltages inputs but has its Nanosensor screen driver disabled.


NPS2100-20/NPS2101 Closed Loop Controller

The NPS2101 and the NPS2100-20 are NanoSensor, high voltage amplifier and control electronics combined as a single channel standalone module, powered by an external ±15V, 130V and -30V DC supplies. Designed to provide closed loop position control of Y mirror steering mechanisms, which incorporate Queensgate piezo actuators (MTP-15N) and sensors (NXB-3-Al). The control electronics allows the user to optimize closed loop response giving significant improvements in stability and linearity compared to open-loop operation. The NPS-2100-20 incorporates a -20V input. The NPS-2101 has positive and negative voltages inputs but has its Nanosensor screen driver disabled.


  • Sub-nanometer position resolution
  • Linearity error down to 0.02%
  • User adjustable measurement bandwidth (50Hz, 500Hz or 5kHz)
  • User adjustable amplifier gain (for applications that do not use the full measuring range)
  • Selectable long (‘-L’) or short (‘- S’) measuring range (2pF or 10pF capacitance)

NPS2101 Controller Datasheet